Advancement through high-temperature refining of refractories
ancorro (Greek/Latin: “anti-corrosion”) stands for longer service life of refractories, higher energy efficiencies, and expert know-how in high-temperature processes.
At first, it was a simple idea for increasing the service life of porous refractories. Since 2008 and a lot of research work, that idea has matured into an extensive surface-treatment technology. The ancorro technology can be used on any refractory for high-temperature processes worldwide - independent of the (refractory) producer.
By using the ancorro surface-treatment technology, the corrosion of the refractory caused by the hot melt and extreme conditions is reduced. The results are more resistant refractories and components for industrial use.
The company ancorro is a spin-off of the Institute of Ceramic, Glass and Construction Materials of Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg.
Team ancorro